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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Sonntaree Srikosai, Patraporn Tungpunkom, Chalinee Suvanayos.

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: Effect of Motivational Enhancement Therapy Among Alcohol Dependence Clients Receiving Service at Suan Prung Psychiatric Hospital.

แหล่งที่มา/Source: Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand. Vol.51, No.3, July-September 2006, Page 26.

รายละเอียด / Details:

Objective: To examine MET and its effect in motivating alcoholics to reduce alcohol consumption and alleviate problems that result from drinking. Methodology: Subjects were 22 alcoholic patients who received treatment at the Outpatient Addiction Clinic, Suan Prung Psychiatric Hospital. Each subject received MET every two weeks over a 12 week period. Instruments used in this study were: 1) Alcohol Follow up assessment form, which compound of the level of global assessment of function (GAF), percent heavy drinking days and percent abstinent days, 2) stages of change readiness and treatment eagerness scale (SOCRATES-8A) which had Cronbach reliability of .82 and 3) drinker inventory of consequences (DrlnC-2L) with Cronbach reliability of .88, data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, mean difference with t-test and one-way repeated measure ANOVA. Results: 1. Global Assessment of Function increased after each MET session. 2. The number of heavy drinking days decreased after each MET session. 3. The number of abstinence days increased after each MET session. 4. Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness scale in the areas of recognition, ambivalence, and taking steps in session 1 to 7 were significantly different (p‹.05). 5. Average score of the Drinker Inventory of Consequences in the areas of illnesses, accidents, social responsibility, impulse control, interpersonal relationships and cognitive functions in session 7 (time7 wk12) were reduced significantly from those of session 1 (time, wk0) (p<.05). Conclusions: Results indicate each session of MET decreased heavy drinking, decreased consequences of drinking, increased abstinence days, increased the global assessment of function, and improved stage of change readiness and treatment eagerness among alcoholics at the Outpatient Unit, Suan Prung Psychiatric Hospital. MET should, therefore, be implemented continually. Further recommendations include providing MET in the treatment regimen in other settings, such as in general and community hospitals.

Keywords: alcoholic, drinking problem, effect of motivation enhancement therapy, alcohol dependence, MET

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 2006

Address: Register nurse, Suanprung Psychiatric Hospital, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University

Code: 200700012

ISSN/ISBN: 0125-6985

Country of publication: Thailand.

Language: English

Category: Abstract Journal.



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