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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Pattra Tiralap

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: Mental Health Service in health Service Centers of Public Health Region 4

แหล่งที่มา/Source: Journal of Mental Health of Thailand, Vol.12, No.1, January 2004, Page 2.

รายละเอียด / Details:

Mental health activity support in the provincial area of the Public Health Region 4 is the prime task of the Fourth Mental Health Center. For this purpose, it had conducted a survey for mental services in Large Provincial Hospital, Provincial Hospitals, Community Hospitals, and Community Health Centers in Public Health Region 4. The survey involved mental health promotion, mental health prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and factors affecting mental health services. The survey was carried out by mail. 171 questionnaires were returned from mental health personnel in 2 Lange Provincial Hospitals, 9 Provincial Hospitals, 44 Community Hospitals, and 254 Community Health Centers. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and pearson correlation statistics were used to analyze the questionnaires. The research found that the most frequent mental health promotion activities were child development promotion 81.2% and mental health education 57.9%. Secondly, the most frequent mental health prevention activity was 0-5 year old child development assessment 83.6%, and counseling services 81.9%. Thirdly, the most frequent therapy activity were the after care follow up 49.1% and family counseling 47.3%. Fourthly, the most frequent rehabilitation activity was home health care 59.1%. Lastly, the most influential factors affecting mental health services were having mental health Policy plans, getting extra support resources, number of staffs in mental health services, and having mental health networks. The survey results will benefit the fourth mental health center in technical support planing for the public health service center region 4

Keywords: mental health service, public health region 4, promotion, prevention, rehabilitation, counseling, counselling, home health care

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 2004

Address: The Fourth Mental Health Center

Code: 20040000301

ISSN/ISBN: 2859-497-X

Country of publication: Thailand

Language: Englsih

Category: Abstract Journal.

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