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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: LP Lim

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: Marital conflict and attempted suicide behaviour a profile study of attempted suicide cases in the singapore general hospital (SGH)

แหล่งที่มา/Source: The 1st Asia Pacific Regional Conference of The International Association for Suicide Prevention (AISP), 6-8 October 2004, The Imperial Queen's Park Hotel, Bangkok Thailand, Page 59.

รายละเอียด / Details:

Objectives: A previous study on the profile of suicide attempters indicated interpersonal problems as the main social precipitator. in relation to this the auther now seeks to understand the prevalence and role of marital conflict in fluencing suicide behaviour, with the aim to heighten healthcare professionals awareness of suicide risk assessment for patients entrenched in marital difficulties. Methods: We profiled 693 suicide attempters attended to from 2000-2002. 84 cases were taken from these, being those who were married (200 married cases in total) and cited marital conflict as reason for attempt. Results: types of marital conflict include communication difficlties 41.7% infidelity 28.6% divorce/separation issues 16.7% domestic violence 9.5% and in-law issues 3.6%. More females than males attempt suicide 84.5% vs. 15.5% as a result of marital conflict. All patients with communication difficulties in their marriages reported that a heated argument with their spouse precipitated the suicide attempt. Half of those who cited an episode of spousal violence prior to the attempt were Indian females. Male attempters tended to cite divorce/separation issue as the reason for attempt. Immediate family is the main source of support. there was a slight increase int he Malay attempted suicide. For those who attempt due to infidelity, one third were the infidels themselves. Conclusions: Marital conflict give rise to intense emotions that may trigger suicide attempts. Females are more susceptible to suicide attempt as a response to marital conflict. In counseling this patient group, gender, age group and cultural factors need to be considered. Marital therapy is effective in ameliorating marital problems, hence lowering the risk of suicide. More MSWs need to be trained in marital therapy; in addition, preliminary suicide risk assessment training could be extended to include doctors and nurses.

Keywords: suicide, psychiatry, behaviour, risk, marital conflict, suicidal attempt

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 2004

Address: Department of Medical Services, Singapore General Hospital(SGH), Singapore

Code: 20040000108


Country of publication: Thailand.

Language: English.

Category: Abstract Paper.

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