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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Suchat Paholpak

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: Attempted Suicide Case in Srinakarin Hospital, Khonkaen University.

แหล่งที่มา/Source: Journal of The Psychiatric Association of Thailand, Vol. 30, No.3 July-September 1989, P 111-124

รายละเอียด / Details:

153 patients attended the psychiatric emergency unit, Sinagarind Hospital during August 1,1983-may 31,1986,56(35.8%) had attempted suicide. The mean age was 25.2 years. There were 2.3 times as many men as women. Most of them were single (66%) and unemployed (28.7%). A high percentage of the suicidal attempters finished only elementary level (46.5%) and had a history of previous suicidal behavior (42.9%) The extent of disturbance in the suicide attempters’ family background was reflected in the finding that 23.3% were living with only one parent and 16.1% had one alcohol dependence parent. The most two common psychiatric diagnosises were dysthymic disorder (50.0%) and brief reactive psychosis (12.5%). According to personality characteristic, we found that 26.7% had passive aggressive personality disorder and 10.7% had histrionic personality disorder. Most instances of suicide attempt were preceded by stressful serious interpersonal conflict and 32.1% of the suicide attempters wrote suicide note before their suicidal attempt.

Keywords: dysthymia, dysthymic, dysthymic disorder, psychiatry, suicide, psychiatric emergency, attempted suicide, suicidal behavior, psychosis

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 1989

Address: Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Khonkaen University.

Code: 10032003179

ISSN/ISBN: 0125-6985

Country of publication: Thailand.

Language: English.

Category: Abstract Journal.

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