02 149 5555 ถึง 60


ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Michael J. Rosati

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: Social Marketing : An Effective Prevention Strategy

แหล่งที่มา/Source: The 2nd International Conference on Mental Health and Substance Dependence 2003. Page 71-72. (19-21 August 2003 The Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok Thailand)

รายละเอียด / Details:

One strategy in particular has become increasingly popular in recent times. More and more prevention practitioners are developing social marketing communications campaigns designed to discourage drug use. These campaigns try to convince the public to adopt a new behavior by showing them the benefit they will receive in return. Social marketing campaigns have used in a variety of social service and public health setting to address such issues narcotics use. HIV-AIDS prevention and other important public health issues. Social Marketing : Key Elements Exchange a behavior for a benefit A social marketing campaign offers an exchange to a targeted audience, In this exchange, practitioners communicate a message: "You will get this benefit if you change this behavior." However, in order to change the behavior, a person needs to "pay a price" in the from of money, time, effort, or convenience. The goal of a social marketing campaign is to convince an audience that a behavior has benefits that makes it worth the price, which means explicitly showing the benefits of such actions as not using amphetamine, talking to your child about drugs, or participating in a community demand reduction program. Understand your target audience The key to developing effective social marketing campaigns is answering one question : "Why does our target audience want?" Social marketing campaigns only succeed when they appeal to the existing values, attitudes, and motivations of the target audience. Practitioners can get this information by conducting formative research. Using surveys, interviews, and focus groups, practitioners can gain clues to the kinds of messages that will appeal to the interests and concerns of the group they are trying to influence. Find the Right Channels It is critical that campaign developers figure out which channels will work best in getting their message to the target audience. Channels include television and radio spots, print ads, the Internet, community events, poster contests, giveaways of products or coupons for service, hotlines for counseling and referrals, or classes offered in the community. Research and pre-testing can help you identify the most appropriate channels. Monitoring the Campaign It is critical to check in with a target audience at several points throughout a campaign to find out how well your effort is working. This enables you to obtain information about whether the message is understood, is motivating the audience, and is likely to achieve its intended goal. Good methods for checking in include focus groups, individual interviews, and intercept interviews (interviews at a location frequented by your target population). Evaluate the campaign's impact The evaluation component of a social marketing campaign should include both process and outcome evaluation components to monitor progress and assess the effects of your effort. An outcome evaluation of a social marketing campaign should look at changes in beliefs, attitudes, and self-reported behaviors. Keep in mind, though, that some researchers express concern about self-reports, especially around such socially undesirable behaviors as drinking and drug use, because respondents may give socially acceptable answers. To increases the likelihood that the data your collect is accurate assure respondents that their responses are anonymous or will be treated as confidential.

Keywords: social marketing campaign, social service, behavior, attitude, HIV-AIDS prevention, drug used.

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 2003

Address: Southeast Asia Initiative, Health and Human Development Programs, Education Development center for the Application of Prevention Technologies, USA.

Code: 0000937


Country of publication: Thailand.

Language: English.

Category: Paper.

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