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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Alex Su

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: Mental Health in Singapore: Current Status and Toward 2020.

แหล่งที่มา/Source: ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry.Mental Health toward 2020: Working Together for Better Mental Health in Asia 26-29 August 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.Page 17

รายละเอียด / Details:

Singapore is an island state with an area of 704 square kilometers and a multi-ethnic population of 4.48 million people, of whom 3.6 million is citizens or permanent residents. The average life expectancy at birth is 7909 years, with males achieving 78 years and women 81.8 years. In 2005, the Ministry of Health (MOH) appointed a National Mental Health Committee to propose a National Mental Health Policy for Singapore. The committee, made up of public and private psychiatrists as well as MOH administrators, collaborated with other mental health professionals and NOG representatives to draw up the policy, which followed the guidelines of the WHO in identifying the aims, the values that underpin the policy, and the strategic focus for the following 10 years. The aims of Singapore’s National Mental Health Policy are: -To promote mental health and, where possible, prevent the development of mental health problems and disorders; and -To reduce the impact of mental disorders Acting on the National Mental Health Policy, the committee drew up the National Mental Health Blueprint (NMHBP), which highlights the strategic focus for the next 5 years from 2007 to 2011 as follows: -Mental Health Education and Promotion -Integrated Mental Health Care -Developing Mental Health Professional - Developing Mental Health Research The president of the Singapore Psychiatric Association will present an overview of Singapore’s National Mental Health Blueprint, and highlights key initiatives and achievement under the program.

Keywords: mental health

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 2008

Address: Singapore Psychiatric Association, Singapore

Code: 2010000176

ISSN/ISBN: 02183420

Country of publication: Thailand

Language: English

Category: Abstract



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