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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Suksamal Somphong

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: The Development of Drug Addicted Youngster and Parent Therapeutic Camp : A Study of Secondary School Students in Pothisanwithaya School, Amphur Kusumal, Sakon Nakhon Province

แหล่งที่มา/Source: The First International Annual Mental Health Conference on "Mental Health and Substance Dependence" 2002. P 228

รายละเอียด / Details:

The objective of the current study was to develop the course of family relationship camp which composed of activities of parents shared either youth who ever joined the Buddhist camp and confessed that they ever used drug. The sample consisted of secondary students from Pothisanwitthaya school in academic year 2001. The process started with training those students through Buddhist camp for 3 days. Two months later, students who confessed addicting drug were enrolled in the family relationship camp for 3 days. During this camp, parent were asked to participate with the activities about one day and a hale. Data were collected from students by using open-end questionnaires regarding unpleasant factors and improper behaviors while staying at home as well a their intention to change drug addicted behaviors. Then, the summative information about students' improper behaviors were analyzed by the parents as well as proposed some means to resolve such problems. Four months after trained, students and counseling teacher were asked to answer questionnaires about students' behavioral changes. The results revealed that there were 633 students (95.5%) enrolled in the Buddhist camp. Sixty students (9.5%) of those confessed that they ever used drug; 50 students used amphetamine; 41 students were smokers; 39 students drank alcohol, and 25 students used marijuana. Of twelve students who used only amphetamine, the majority were female students who ever used such drug only once. Thirty eight students ever used amphetamine combined with other kinds of drug. There were 78 students who enrolled in family relationship camp. Thirty eight students of these were students who confessed that they ever used drug. Of 32 parents participated with the program, 53.1% were the parents pf students who ever joined the Buddhist camp. Those parents can participate with the program only one day. When students were at home, their unpleasant things were family member's scold or fuss, ugly animals, neighboring environment, domestic animals and housework (39.7,18.6,12.6,11.7,6.5%), respectively. In addition, their improper behavior were selfishness, drug addicted and not pay attention to learning, no respect of their parents and relatives and laziness (24.6,22.7,21.9,18.9,11.8%), respectively. After trained, they intended to respect their parent, diligence, pay attention with to learning and stop using drug, and do good things (28.8,25.4,22.0,21.4%), respectively. The parents proposed the means to solve the problems such as giving explanation, instruction, regulation and model behavior. In counseling teacher's opinion, 4 months after trained, the students' behaviors were improved (91.7%). The study shown that parents may be one cause of student problems. As can be seen that they were rarely participated with the program. This finding was corresponded with an opinion of the vice director of that school. Moreover, the parents' proposal about instruction was not corresponded with students' idea. Therefore, the parents should be explained more; training program should be substitute with anti-smoking program which could be tempt the parents to participate more.

Keywords: drug addict, drug abuse, therapeutic camp, camp, Buddhist camp

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 2002

Address: Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health.

Code: 000303

ISSN/ISBN: 974-90572-3-6

Country of publication: Thailand.

Language: English.

Category: Paper.

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