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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: สุภา มาลากุล

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: การเลี้ยงดูเด็กอายุ 1-5 ขวบ Pilot Study Child Rearing in Thai Culture.

แหล่งที่มา/Source: วารสารสมาคมจิตแพทย์แห่งประเทศไทย ปีที่ 3 ฉบับที่ 2, เมษายน 2501, หน้า 1-71

รายละเอียด / Details:

A pilot study on Child Rearing in Thai Culture has been made by the Child Guidance Clinic Somdej Chaopha Hospital Dhonburi. A sample of 10 low middle class families was selected for interviewing on child rearing from conception until school entrance I.p. from one to five years. The backgroud of the minimun education of father was mathayom 3 and the father's income was not more than 800 ticals per month. Both parents lived together and no evidence of polygamy was found in the present family. Only the mothers were interviewed by a psychiatrist according to the written quesstionnaires which cover 6 main aeas as such. 1. General contex of the child. 2. Status of infant and childhood 3. Agents of child rearing 4. Technique of socialisation 5. Behavior system 6. General attitude of mother to ward bringing up the children at present. The collected data as shown above si not yet worth for conclusion but wor their in reflecting our errors in wording, setting up of the questionnaires and also the interviewing techniques which will have to be changed in further study. The data is prepared in English for the purpose of exchangine with other organisations which are doing the similar study in another social groups, classes or other racial groups in this culture.

Keywords: child rearing, children, Thai culture, mental health, psychology

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 2501

Address: The psychiatric association of thailand.

Code: 00004182

ISSN/ISBN: 0125-6985

Country of publication: ประเทศไทย

Language: ภาษาไทย

Category: Abstract Journal.

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