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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Thaweeporn Visudhimark

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: Psychosis Induced by drug Abuse

แหล่งที่มา/Source: Journal of Health Science, Vol. 7 No. 3 July-September 1998, P 361-369

รายละเอียด / Details:

Many psychiatric symptoms particularly confusion, paranoid, and hallucination, may be induced by drug abuse. Among 1,872 admitted cases in Srithanya Mental Hospital during April-July 1997, 217 cases (11.6%) rare diagnosed as toxic psychosis from psychoactive substance abuse. These substances were alcohol, amphetamine, volatile substances, and marijuana at the percentage of 51.0, 37.1, 7.6, and 4.3, respectively. Most of the abusers (91.4%) were male. The majority were 2o-aa years old (mean a 3a.o). They were mostly single, not well-educated, workers or unemployed. The majority psychiatric symptoms were poor insight and judgment, paranoid, auditory and visual hallucination, aggression, impaired memory, and confusion. Insomnia was reported at 67.1 %, especially among the amphetamine abusers. Most of them. (89.5%) were given antipsychotic medications. These psychiatric symptoms were affected from drug pharmacological action on the central nervous system through the neurotransmitter systems: opiate, catecholamine, y-amino butyric acid. Since the severity of the symptoms might vary not only with the amount duration, and pattern of drug use, but also the premorbid psychopathology of drug abusers. Their actual strength of association needs further confirmation. English Keyword: Psychosis Induced by drug abuse

Keywords: psychosis, drug abuse, psychiatry, amphetamine, pharmacology

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 1998

Address: Department of Pharmacy, Srithunya Hospital.

Code: 0000195

ISSN/ISBN: 0858-4923

Country of publication: Thailand.

Language: English.

Category: Abstract Journal.

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