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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Malee Chojiraphan

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: There Months Follow up study of schizophrenic patients after discharged from Somdet Chaopraya Hospital.

แหล่งที่มา/Source: Bulletin of the Department of Medical Services, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1983, Page 413-419.

รายละเอียด / Details:

Follow up study of schizophrenic patients after discharged, with approval the hospital was done at Somdet Chaopraya Hospital in 1980. The total number of patients admitted to the study were 206 cases. It was found that most of them 84.9 percent at month 3 were considered as cooperativeness for drug therapy. Most of their relatives were considered as having good attitude towards the patients 69.8 percent at month 3. Co-operativeness of patients for drug therapy as well as the attitude of their relatives toward them affected them in the areas of Working capacity, Social ability, and Behavior at home. The to 1 advance total therapeutic results as viewed by their relatives very satisfied and satisfied were 91.87% at month 1 and 91.77 % at month 3 respectively. The total percentage of good therapeutic results assessed by the authors in the areas of Working capacity, Social ability and Behavior at home were 46.25, 83.13 and 74.37 respectively at month 1. These figures were reduced to 41.08, 80, 81 and 67.11 at month 3. This means that approximately 40% of patients had a working capacity at the same level as before admission.

Keywords: schizophrenic patient, discharge, schizophrenia, psychosis, psychiatry

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 1983

Address: Department of Research, Somdet Chaopraya Hospital

Code: 000000095

ISSN/ISBN: 0125-1643

Country of publication: Thailand.

Language: English.

Category: Abstract Journal.

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