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ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Wayne Hening

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: The Psychiatric Aspects of the Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).

แหล่งที่มา/Source: ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry. Vol. 9, Supplement 1, 26-29 August 2008, page 42.

รายละเอียด / Details:

The restless legs syndrome (RLS) has been found to be a relatively common disorder in many different populations. Reliable estimates in Asian populations range from 1% in Japanese elderly to 7.5% among Korean adults. Studies in Western countries have shown that RLS causes a significant deterioration in quality of life, especially for those with more frequent and bothersome symptoms. An important mediator between RLS and daytime sequelae, is the sleep disruption and deprivation experienced by many of those with clinically significant RLS. Two studies have established that RLS is associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety. In a clinical study, Winkelmann found that RLS subjects had an elevated prevalence of both depression and inxiety disorders compared to clinical groups with other chronic medical disorders. The RLS patients were also more likely than those with other diseases to consider their depression provoked by their symptoms. In a population sample, Lee found that RLSD was associated with depression, anxiety, and co-morbidity with both psychiatric dysfunctions. An underlying diathesis in the RLS patients may be an elevated personality trait of neuroticism. The relationship between RLS and psychiatric disorders may well be bi-directional: RLS can provoke the disorders, but the disorders themselves may tend to aggravate RLS. Because some psychiatric medications - neuroleptics and many anti-depressants - can also agggravate RLS, the treatment of co-morbid RLS and psychiatric disorders requires a careful management plan.

Keywords: psychiatric aspects, restless legs syndrome (rls)

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 2008

Address: Department of Neurology, UMDNJ-RW Johnson Medical School, USA

Code: 2010000291

ISSN/ISBN: 0218-3420

Country of publication: Thailand

Language: English

Category: Abstract



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